Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ACORN Workers Give Advice on Performing Illegal Activities

After hearing about ACORN's troubles from a coworker I did some research and found this article which does not give all the details in one spot of the ordeal but gives both sides to the story.

Republican Senators called for the government to cut funding to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), because of four videos that have surfaced showing employees giving advice to a young couple, who portray themselves as prostitutes, on how to launder money and lie about their profession.

In an 83-7 vote held on September 15th, the Senate cut the tax funding to ACORN. One of the 7 Senators who voted to keep funding the organization,Rep. Yvette Clarke, (D-Brooklyn), whose district includes the Brooklyn office where one of the videotaped encounters took place, said the "unethical lapses by a few is being used as a tool to undermine all the good that they have achieved over the years.

I think this article is good to read because it gives both sides of the issue and not just a one way view of what did happen or what might have happened.